Yesterday I turned 25. People asked me if I felt any differently but the honest answer was no.
Today, however, I have woken up feeling very different. Britain as a nation have decided to leave the European Union.
I voted REMAIN and given the opportunity again I would vote the same. I would be very interested to know if 100% of LEAVE voters can confidently say they still trust the campaign that encouraged them to change the future of Britain for good.
My outlook on life is that if it's broke - you fix it. Don't run away. I wanted to fix what we didn't like about the EU not abandon it completely. And in this instance of Britain voting LEAVE against my ideal, this is still very valid. Bitching, moaning, trolling, humiliating and fighting will not change the decision that just over half of the UK have decided. Props to David Cameron. He lost but his priority is still the people of Britain. Many, many erratic politicians would have resigned on the spot, not just their position of PM but also the responsibility of their influence on this country, but Cameron continues to show leadership and encourage unity and I believe he will until the day he officially steps down and we no longer call him Prime Minister.
I intend to follow this example. We need to swallow our pride and work together to support the direction OUR country is now headed. Don't like the outcome? Don't give up. Speak up.
People are right to be cautious as the future is unknown but that is always the case - even without this referendum. We shouldn't worry - we are the most innovative, creative and determined generation yet and my new faith in light of today's result is that we work together, bringing forward the pro's of both sides. Remain voters may have lost by 4% but Britain is still 100% our country, our home and our future.
I will NOT support moronic racist statements nor will I support ridiculing those who have a different opinion to my own. I WILL continue to open my arms and welcome those of any culture or nation without prejudice as I believe this almost equal split in vote shows exactly how we cannot all be tarred by the same brush.
By creating a referendum the government have given us a voice. And regardless of the outcome I will continue to champion what I believe is right which is establishing a strong, diverse and fair country. I still believe this would have been better within the EU but moving forward, together, as a nation, that is now irrelevant. We have been given a voice and I for one refuse to be silenced.
I expect this post to create controversy and I welcome discussion and debate on my blog and also on my twitter @missnikkiwilson however I will not entertain hating, trolling, bullying or belittling.
Please share, like, dislike, discuss and consider. Should we fight or unite? Again, I know what I choose. I will stand by Britain as, In or Out, we all want the best possible future.
Review .. NARSissist Matte/Shimmer Eyeshadow Palette
I am the biggest fan of NARS and when I saw this palette on their website a few months ago during a stock up I knew I had to have it.
What I love most about this palette is that each shade is totally wearable for any eye colour or style. Some palettes - like the Alice in Wonderland for Urban Decay - look so pretty in their packaging and would I love to have one? Of course, so don't get me wrong but how often can you wear ALL of the colours, really? When I've splashed out on a product I like to get my money's worth and this is what you get with this NARSissist palette.
There are four matte shades and four shimmer shades;
Matte - Nassau (creamy white), Maya Bay (taupe), Ithaca (mushroom-brown), Dogon (midnight blue)
Shimmer - Mandchourie (metal grey/green), Bonifacio (sandy gold), Zagreb (warm brown), Heraklion (sparkly black)
The 'looks' you can create with these colours is endless, from a simple all over lid light shade for the day to a smokey eye teamed with the included 'Black Night Clubbing Mini Night Series Eyeliner' for a more dramatic/stand out look.
I find myself reaching for this almost everyday and as the colours are so highly pigmented, a little bit goes a long way so i'll expect it to last for ages. Yay to this as it is limited edition!
The only slightly annoying thing is that I can't pick up the box without leaving a grubby fingerprint on the mirror, which instantly takes away from the sleek design, which isn't a huge deal as I do clean my make-up regularly.
Has anybody tried this palette? If you rate it I'd love to see what looks you've created with the colours...
What I love most about this palette is that each shade is totally wearable for any eye colour or style. Some palettes - like the Alice in Wonderland for Urban Decay - look so pretty in their packaging and would I love to have one? Of course, so don't get me wrong but how often can you wear ALL of the colours, really? When I've splashed out on a product I like to get my money's worth and this is what you get with this NARSissist palette.
There are four matte shades and four shimmer shades;
Matte - Nassau (creamy white), Maya Bay (taupe), Ithaca (mushroom-brown), Dogon (midnight blue)
Shimmer - Mandchourie (metal grey/green), Bonifacio (sandy gold), Zagreb (warm brown), Heraklion (sparkly black)
The 'looks' you can create with these colours is endless, from a simple all over lid light shade for the day to a smokey eye teamed with the included 'Black Night Clubbing Mini Night Series Eyeliner' for a more dramatic/stand out look.
I find myself reaching for this almost everyday and as the colours are so highly pigmented, a little bit goes a long way so i'll expect it to last for ages. Yay to this as it is limited edition!
The only slightly annoying thing is that I can't pick up the box without leaving a grubby fingerprint on the mirror, which instantly takes away from the sleek design, which isn't a huge deal as I do clean my make-up regularly.
Has anybody tried this palette? If you rate it I'd love to see what looks you've created with the colours...
Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa ...
As a Spa Therapist I find it very hard to have spa treatments, not because it's a 'busman's holiday' as many people *hilariously* suggest but because I am so passionate about what I do and always make sure my guests have a 5 star experience that I just can't help being critical. But, earlier this year I was lucky enough to go to Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa in Nantwich, Cheshire with my sister for a nice relaxing break away where I was able to leave my stresses (and criticisms) at home...
Driving through the Cheshire countryside with the bright sun shining on manicured fields and perfect houses, I contemplated my future and decided in about 3 minutes that 'yep, I could live here'. Not every spa has the luxury of gorgeous surroundings but Rookery is perfectly placed away from the hustle and bustle of life that even approaching the hotel you let out a big sigh and realise you've been frowning and clenching your bum for the past 4 months.
Sometimes going away to a swishy hotel can make me feel a bit like a fraud. There can be so much expected pretence of either having lots of money or being a seasoned hotel go-er but there is no shame in knowing that you only ever order a Pinot Grigio because it contains 'alcohol' or wishing that the braised daube of beef came with chunky chips instead of crushed pomme de terre. In my opinion, the best hotels are those that make you feel like the Queen of England even if the closest you've come is carnival queen at age 16.
Every. Single. Member of staff at Rookery made our stay exceptional. Nothing is too much trouble and they go above and beyond to make sure you have a lovely time, This is some of the best customer service I have ever experienced.
Stepping in to our spotless room I was delighted to discover fluffy robes and slippers to relax in and a TV at the end of the bath! Loved this little touch. After a lovely night's sleep and one of the best breakfasts I've had in a hotel - cooked fresh to order, we headed to the Spa. We started with two hours of treatment - an Elemis Deep Tissue Body Massage and an Elemis Modern Skin Facial and both therapists read my consultation form carefully and referred to it - I really don't like filling out a form to know that nobody has bothered to read it. After the treatments we were offered sorbet and shown to the relaxation room, which was SO gorgeous, there were comfy beds draped in blankets and Elemis sarongs and one whole wall was a gentle waterfall - I was fast asleep in minutes. Then I dined delicately on a perfect afternoon tea (read - stuffed my face with glorious cake) before relaxing poolside all afternoon, dipping in and out of the hydrotherapy pool and sauna.
I love Elemis products, I'm trained in the brand and I've used them for years so I was glad my therapist had recommended products for my skin as I wondered what she felt would suit me and honestly, she got it bang on. I love buying skincare to remind me of a special occasion and so does my sister so we left the spa with big, glossy Elemis bags full of products. I'll write a post soon showing you all what I bought and thought.
The rest of the night we spent eating more gorgeous food and playing board games in the lounge, laughing until I was saying 'I'm going to pee!' you know what I mean, right!?
When we woke up on the last morning, we genuinely didn't want to leave we had had such a special time and weren't ready to head back into the 'real world'! This is something we do twice a year so I hope to return to Rookery Hall in September for the second time.
If I had to make one suggestion it would be to allow the Spa to control their own bookings rather than central reservations as there was lots of telephone calls back and forth that could have been saved if I could speak to the Spa directly.As a therapist I pre-empted some problems which I double checked and there was still a minor issue on arrival.
Has anybody visited Rookery before? Which Spas would you recommend? I'd love to hear from you.
Swimsuit: Zara
Blazer: New Look
Khaki Swing Top: In The Style
Jeans: Miss Selfridge
Shoes: Kurt Geiger
My Top Tips For Spot Prone Skin
Quick side note - there are lots of things that can affect your skin and this post is not a cure-all for anybody who has problem skin or acne. I would always suggest visiting your GP if you think you have acne and discussing your options there, they may refer you to a dermatologist (skin specialist) and/or prescribe some medication, but I'm not qualified to do this - sorry!
1. Never, ever sleep in make up - While you are sleeping your skin is 'oxygenating' meaning it is purging toxins from the skin, shedding dead skin cells and repairing the skin by sending lots of oxygen there along with vitamins and minerals from your body. If your face is covered in make up, where is all of this old, impure stuff gonna go? That's right nowhere, it will stay in your skin, causing havoc with the pure and fresh skin by clogging the pores and breeding bacteria. Cleanse, tone and moisturize before bed and let your skin do it's thing.
2. Wash your face first thing in a morning - Have you ever noticed your skin feeling a little oily in the morning? That's because of the oxygenating process. This oil and old skin is going to sit there waiting to be washed away OR it is going to be absorbed in your pillow *lets take a moment to give our pillows a dirty look and make a mental note to wash the cover ASAP*. So washing your face first thing + regularly washing your pillow cases = clearer skin.
You're going to want to tell me to bore off after 3 & 4 but bare with me, it makes a MASSIVE difference
3. Drink plenty of water - You've heard it before. You know you *should* do it , but you don't. Drinking enough water (around 2 litres a day) literally helps your body to flush out toxins and hydrate the skin. But one or two glasses won't do the trick because even though the skin is the largest organ in the body it is the last to be fed. Don't treat it like Oliver and force it to ask for more, show your skin some love.
4. Eat a balanced diet - I say 'balanced' loosely as it is a term we are all used to but if you imagine aset of balancing scales then the side with fruit and veggies should be *a lot* heavier than the chocolate and crisps side. What you put in to your body really, really affects what your body looks like on the outside. If I have a girls night out on a Saturday I can guarantee spotty skin for at least 5 days afterwards from the alcohol. Always. Without fail. That is how sensitive your skin is. Processed foods and foods containing lots of fat and refined sugar aren't welcome in the skin. Strawberries, peaches and blueberries however are very good at feeding the skin and giving an all round nicer complexion.
5. Find your favourites - Not every product will work for everybody and that is why there is such a huge range to choose from. If your best friend has gorgeous, clear skin and raves about a certain product - she may just be lucky and it may not work for you, but something will. Using the wrong product can clog the skin or have the opposite effect of what you want it to do. Reading reviews is an excellent way to choose products if you find somebody who seems like they have a similar skin type to you. Or, my favourite, go for a facial! You can have your skin treated, assessed, pampered, massaged and most importantly come away with a skincare routine that is specifically tailored to suit your skins needs.
These are all little lifestyle changes and you could give all 5 a go or just try one at a time and see what results you get.
I'm also going to share tricks for an instant/overnight fix on those blemishes because I'm a ledge and nobody likes to wait. But this is annoying long term and prevention is better than cure, preach.
- Pure lavender essential oil (a very small amount) can reduce the redness in a spot.
- Pure tea-tree essential oil has antibacterial properties so if you are worried about a spot that looks spectacularly ferocious, pop some of this on.
- If you dab a tiny bit of aftershave on a spot, the alcohol helps to dry it out. Warning: can attract awkward questions.
- Do not squeeze it! What was a spot now has an angry red mark around it, plus it will fill with water and look like a spot again, not to mention the possibility of a little scar. If you want it to disappear for the time being, blend a little concealer over it.
And please remember, spots are something we all get at some point in our lives, whether it is once a month around our chins (the area connected with our hormones), when we are stressed and frazzled or even for no. bloody. reason. at. all. Wonderful.
NKK . Chapter One
I've blogged before and I loved it... Then I found myself blogging because of pressure and I lost sight of why I was doing it and who I was doing it for - we've all been there and it's a crazy overwhelming feeling. It's easy to get lost in thoughts like "she posts 5 times a week, I'm not doing enough" or "her camera is much better than mine" or "I want to look like her" without stopping to think hang on, I'm a person and I'm awesome too. I did feel lost and like I didn't have an identity but now I've found myself *kumbaya moment* and after dipping my toe in the blogging infinity pool I want to jump in without my armbands.
So a little about me. I've been a Spa Therapist for eight years which I love - I use gorgeous products all day long on people who come to me to brighten up their day and I work with the BEST group of girls. Some of my favourite brands are Elemis, Espa, Decleor, Liz Earle, OPI, Fake Bake and Glamglow. For me, when it comes to skincare you get what you pay for and routine-wise you get out what you put in.
Make up. Me likey. I'm majorly on the contouring wagon and I will not be getting off any time soon. With make up I mix up high street with high end. NARS is a total favourite - big up François me old China! Next up I love Rimmel, Benefit, Bourjois, MAC, Sleek and LA Girl. I do casual MUA (make up artistry) outside of work too for friends and family but I'd love to do more.
Fitness, Nutrition and Wellbeing is a major love and hobby of mine. I genuinely love eating clean but I also genuinely love pizza - it's called balance. I go to the gym and practice Yoga. A lot. If by chance you are reading this thinking 'yes, I want to try that' I suggest you check out Yoga With Adriene on YouTube - she's brilliant and it's much less intimidating than going to a class - although yoga classes are not scary I swear. For my wellbeing I love Neom products, they smell ah-mazing and really make you feel, well, yummy and lovely.
I buy way too many clothes and shoes because I love fashion. I love expressing myself with my clothes, hair and make up some days are like a catwalk and others can be more of a 'onesie and Netflix vibe' which is also cool. I'd like to take a moment here and thank the gods of fashion for making wireless bras, trainers and casual tracksuits a thing of the moment. Yes I'll squeeze into a bodycon dress for a night out with the girls but for most of the time life is pretty comfy.
What else can you expect from my blog? It's a running joke that anything I organise/touch turns into a palava but I can laugh about it because my friends and family are hilarious. So I'll share some good little snippets of my life. Laughter is the best medicine :)
PS - I had a spray tan before I left work today to perk me up for the weekend and make me look a little more bronzed and literally within minutes of me getting dressed my whole body had turned luminous green! I totally forgot I was on medication and it can have an impact on the result of your tan so I had jump straight in the shower when I got home. I look a relatively normal colour now thank god.
That's all for now really. If you have taken the time to read this I'd love you to leave a little comment below or reach out to me on twitter @missnikkiwilson . I love to hear what you like to read about/what you don't like or if we have anything in common. The BEST thing about blogging is the community so get in touch :)
So a little about me. I've been a Spa Therapist for eight years which I love - I use gorgeous products all day long on people who come to me to brighten up their day and I work with the BEST group of girls. Some of my favourite brands are Elemis, Espa, Decleor, Liz Earle, OPI, Fake Bake and Glamglow. For me, when it comes to skincare you get what you pay for and routine-wise you get out what you put in.
Make up. Me likey. I'm majorly on the contouring wagon and I will not be getting off any time soon. With make up I mix up high street with high end. NARS is a total favourite - big up François me old China! Next up I love Rimmel, Benefit, Bourjois, MAC, Sleek and LA Girl. I do casual MUA (make up artistry) outside of work too for friends and family but I'd love to do more.
What else can you expect from my blog? It's a running joke that anything I organise/touch turns into a palava but I can laugh about it because my friends and family are hilarious. So I'll share some good little snippets of my life. Laughter is the best medicine :)
PS - I had a spray tan before I left work today to perk me up for the weekend and make me look a little more bronzed and literally within minutes of me getting dressed my whole body had turned luminous green! I totally forgot I was on medication and it can have an impact on the result of your tan so I had jump straight in the shower when I got home. I look a relatively normal colour now thank god.
That's all for now really. If you have taken the time to read this I'd love you to leave a little comment below or reach out to me on twitter @missnikkiwilson . I love to hear what you like to read about/what you don't like or if we have anything in common. The BEST thing about blogging is the community so get in touch :)